once upon a time, there was a girl
in many ways she was like other girls her age
she tried hard to be and do what she thought she needed to be and do so she could fit in, belong, be liked and even loved
this “trying to be” went on for a while
the girl liked to do many things but she loved to dance
not always, but sometimes, dancing filled her with so much joy and fullness and rightness
the girl knew she didn’t have perfect technique and her lines weren’t always exact and this sometimes made her anxious
the girl was aware that other girls were more talented and seemed to get more attention and this too would stress her out
but one day, it clicked
as the girl watched dancers, considered to be the “best”, doing a synchronized routine, she noticed something that changed her forever
they moved their arms at the same time
they moved their legs at the same time
they jumped and twirled and lunged all at the same time
all five of them moved like one unit
the closer she studied them, she noticed toes pointed sharper on one of them
an arm extended further on another one
a jump that seemed effortless to one
the head of another held in such a way that she seemed regal and majestic
the fifth dancer is the one that gave her joy
watching her, made the girl feel something
she had felt it before, but this time it was different
she had a keen sense of being witness to a soul being nourished
the fifth dancer seemed to be vibrating with an energy so powerful it gave the girl goosebumps
it was then that the girl realized why she herself loved to dance - it nourished her soul
it is a form of freedom
a gift of gratitude
an expression of her purpose
it isn’t something she does
it’s who she is
she. is. dance.
not puffed up, i’m better than everyone else dance
but dance only the girl can express with her head held high and legs and arms and toes that belong to only her and a heart filled with hopes deeply personal and desires deeply connected to her pain and challenge and heartbreak and longing, unique only to her experience as a human being
just as the girl felt something deep and moving as she watched the fifth dancer, she soon discovered that when she dances in sync with her soul, others can’t help but feel something deep and moving as they watch her
just by being who she is and owning it, the girl is one of a kind
and just as the girl was inspired by the fifth dancer, she inspires others, her energy dancing with theirs
this is revolutionary
this is powerful
it isn’t the act of dancing that nourishes her soul
it’s being dance
it’s deeper than a calling
it’s the caller answering her own call and connecting the stuff of souls to the choreography of their creation
so, whenever she feels herself slipping into doubt and drought, the girl rains gentle whispers into her heart:
i am dance
i am dance
i am dance
am dance
am dance
inspired by clovis east dance repertory